Barbott Farms is pleased to announce we are
again sponsoring fundraisers in our local schools
and organizations in 2024.
If you have been approached to purchase from these groups, we wanted to help assist you in purchasing the correct certificates
to best suit your planting needs.
We open the last weekend of April to the public each year.
Redeem May 1st-May 31st for best selections.
Important Details to know before you purchase:
Coupons do not hold a cash value towards a different purchase.
Coupons must be redeemed for the product you purchased.
Coupons cannot be upgraded or changed at Barbotts.
Coupons are valid for redemption from May 1- May 31
Barbotts are not responsible for lost, stolen, misplaced certificates.
Plants Available by Coupon:
4" Coupon: Redeem for one pot of Tomato or Peppers, Seed Geraniums,
Vinca Vines, Spikes, Asparagus Ferns, Perennials, Herbs. Geraniums in this
category are the smallest of all we grow, larger geraniums are available
in the 4.5" & 10" Basket Coupon.
4.5" Coupon: Redeem for one pot of Geraniums, Begonias, New Guinea Impatiens,
Coleus, Dahlias, Million Bells, Petunias,Verbena, Potato Vines, Annual Grasses and
more. No Veggies are offered in this coupon.
10" Hanging Basket Coupon: Redeem for one basket of Foliage, Geraniums,
Petunias, Million Bells, New Guinea Impatiens, Sunpatiens, Scaveola & more.
48 Plant Bedding Flat Coupon: Redeem for one flat of Shade Impatiens,
Wax Begonias, Marigolds, Shade Coleus, Snap Dragons, Salvia, Tomato, Pepper,
Cabbage, Melons, Squash & more. Flat =12 packs of 4 plants = 48 plants. If you
choose to mix your flats, you cannot mix the 4 plants within the pack.
Looking to enroll your school or organization in
our spring plant sale? Here are a few details...
*Contact Barbott's February 1st to communicate your interest & get on our email
list for pricing and information.
*Plan to have your sale concluded and coupons handed out by May 1st.
What Can I Sell
4" Pots Coupon
4.5" Pots Coupon
10" Hanging Baskets Coupon
48 Plant Bedding Flats Coupon
*one coupon is valid for one pot, one basket, one bedding flat
When Can I Sell
Contact Barbotts: Early February
Begin Your Sale: End February
End Your Sale: Mid April
Coupons should be delivered to your customers by May 1st
Set your deadlines early, this will help with timing if we need to get more coupons
What Is My Profit
Your group or organization will determine your end selling price.
We will sell you the coupons at a discounted rate.
We will provide a sample of our retail pricing (subject to change)
What do I need to do
Register your sale with Barbotts on February 1st.
Provide your name, phone number & email, as you are my direct contact.
Obtain discounted pricing, set your sale prices
Set Dates-Plan on a 3 business day turnaround for us to pull your order. Set dates early in case
we are waiting on coupons from the print shop.
Create your spreadsheet
Sale must meet a minimum purchase of $400 to stay elgible for future sales.
How do I place my order
Email your master order to, 7 days a week.
We will invoice your order, send to your treasurer to prepare cash or check payment.
We will send your order to the printer immediately. **Allow 3 business days.
We will contact you when coupons are pulled.
We will meet at the farm at your convenience, coupons must be counted at time of payment.
Details I should know
Coupons do not hold a cash value towards a different purchase.
Coupons must be redeemed for the product purchased from your sale.
Coupons cannot be upgraded or changed at Barbotts.
Coupons are valid for redemption from May 1-June 1.
Barbotts are not responsible for lost, stolen, misplaced certificates.
We Are Always Here, And Always Growing!
